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Tuesday, December 02, 2014


1000M Row
20 Back Rack Walking Lunges 65/45# (no rack)
20 Pull-ups
1000M Row
20 Back Rack Walking Lunges 95/65#
20 Toes to Bar
1000M Row
20 Back Rack Walking Lunges 115/75#
20 Pull-ups
1000M Row
20 Back Rack Walking Lunges 135/95#
20 Toes to Bar

Use 1 bar and change your own plates.
For the lunges, if they are new for you scale down or just keep the same weight for all rounds. This is a lot of lunges and you will get SORE since we don’t do them very often. Keep your back knee 1/2" off the ground. Don't let your knee smash into the mats.