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Thursday, October 22, 2015


Skill Work:
Spend 10 EXTRA minutes on mobility!

Part 1:
EMOM 12 (6 rounds of each)
Even: 1 Min Row (just keep moving, no calorie requirement)
Odd: Wall Ball

First round do 20 Wall Ball, next time do 22, then 24, then 26, 28, 30

Immediately into
Part 2:
EMOM 12 (6 rounds of each)
Even: Box Jumps 20″ (just keep moving, no rep requirement)
Odd: Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

For KB Swings, first round do 20 reps, then 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 reps

The purpose of this WOD is to increase reps each round. If you need to, decrease the numbers for round 1 so that every round thereafter you are doing more reps.

MODIFIED WOD (just do part 1)
Skill Work:
Spend 10 EXTRA minutes on mobility
EMOM 12 (6 rounds of each)
Even: 1 Min Row (just keep moving, no calorie requirement)
Odd: Med Ball air squat